Ho's Immigration Proceedings
Deportation hearing 2007-2008, Immigration Court decided to deport the Ho for her fraudulent marriage to Roy Den Hollander.
Board of Immigration Appeals on February 12, 2009, upheld the Immigration Court's decision to deport the Ho.
In the second deportation proceeding of the Ho for her second fraudulent marriage to another American, the Immigration Court decided to administratively close the proceeding because her immigration file had disappeared, which left the Ho free to live and work in America.
August 19, 2014, letter to the General Counsel for the Executive Office for Immigration Review volunteering to provide him a key part of the Ho's file--her diary.
General Counsel's response--get lost.
October 24, 2014, letter to the Department of Justice Inspector General notifying him about the disappeared file--he never responded.
February 20, 2015, letter to U.S. Senate Judicary Committee Chairman, Charles Grassley, notifying him about the disappeared file--he never responsed.
May 1, 2017, letter to Attorney General Sessions complaining about Ho’s disappeared file.
June 5, 2017, letter from Christina Baptista, Senior Counsel, that complaint over Ho’s disappeared file was forwarded to the Chief Immigration Judge, Mary Beth Keller.
July 27, 2017, unsigned letter from Office of the Chief Immigration Judge that, in effect, disappeared files do not indicate any misconduct.
July 24, 2018, USCIS reopened investigation into HO that involved her current Russian criminal boyfriend.