
INS Exhibit List



Date references in Diary that correspond to particular Exhibits for the INS


Ex 1:  “Got married it was fun, but for me it was not serious, just business.”


                            April 5, 00, p101


Ex 1       “The problem is his real feelings for me.  I am something that stimulates him.  He sees me as a real wife—but that is absurd. I will never see him as a real husband.”


 June 25, 00, p122


Ex 1  “I decided to go for now and make some money and to get a divorce later.”


                            July 6, 2000, p125


Ex 1:  “In club I made two times in one week $900. But on the average $600 to $650”


                            September 9, 00, p132


Ex 2:  Copies of work schedules for 2000.


Ex 3:  Clients: Refer Exhibit 4 on separate sheet


Ex 1:  “He gave me diamond ring.”  She goes on to describe her sexual activity with Alfredo Ibarra.  “Alfredo gave me $600.”


                            May 19, 00, p112, 113, 114


Ex 1:  “Police raid, they videotaped us, took us to police headquarters, took down our names.”


                            November 29, 99, 1/23/99, p76


Ex 1: “Roy found out I do not put all my money in the bank.  Tax concerns.”


                            August 21, 00, p131


Ex 1:  “I got my second international passport.”


                            Look under entry date April 5 and within that entry look for April 2,00, p104


Ex 1:  “Kittie, our madam, was so scared that she decided to fly with us.”


                            November 29, 99, p78


Ex. 1: “I am trying to make the most money of all the girls.”


                            March 7, 99, p17


Ex. 1: “God help me with my business.”


                            March 19,99, April 3, 99, p 21, May 6, 99, p 27, May 16, 99, p 30


Ex 1:  “The total I made for one and one half months including all my expenses $17,000 to $18,000.”


                            9/9/00, p132


Ex. 1 “I called Maria in Mex. She said that after the arrest another arrest followed.”




Business and Law Consultant

545 East 14th Street, Suite 10D

New York, NY  10009

Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

Mobile 917 687 0652




April 6, 2001


Gene Kazenko

US Immigration

INV Correspondence

26 Federal Plaza, Room 10-116

New York, NY 10278



Re: Shipilina, Alina A., INS A Number 047-202-363



Dear Mr. Kazenko:


I recently received a complete certified English translation of Ms. Shipilina’s diary, which I have enclosed.  The pagination for this translation differs from the pagination included in the exhibits of my first letter to the INS.  She is the young Russian lady who currently works at Flash Dancers and made material misrepresentations on her immigrant visa application about never having worked as a prostitute and never having been arrested.   I added the underlining.







Roy Den Hollander






Business and Law Consultant

545 East 14th Street, Suite 10D

New York, NY  10009

Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

Mobile 917 687 0652



August 21, 2001


Immigration and Naturalization Service

New York District Office

Status Section

26 Federal Plaza

New york, NY 10278



Dear Sir or Madame:


My wife, Alina Alexandrovna Shipilina, aka Chipilina, INS A# 047 202 363, DOB November 10 1975, is a conditional permanent resident residing in New York City.  We are presently involved in a divorce proceeding.  I would like to know whether Ms. Shipilina has filed for a Waiver of the Joint Petition and, if so, on what grounds.


Thank you for your assistance.



Sincerely yours,



Roy Den Hollander



Business and Law Consultant

545 East 14th Street, Suite 10D

New York, NY  10009

Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

Mobile 917 687 0652




September 5, 2001


Gene Kazenko

US Immigration

INV Correspondence

26 Federal Plaza, Room 10-116

New York, NY 10278



Re: Shipilina, Alina A., INS A Number 047-202-363



Dear Mr. Kazenko:


In March I provided you with information concerning my wife’s, Alina A. Shipilina (aka Chipilina), violation of US Immigration laws.


The key document was a copy of Ms. Shipilina’s Russian diary, which I am sure she denys as hers.  I wanted to inform you that I have the original pages of her diary for May to September 2000, which are covered with her fingerprints.  Perhaps this information will assist in proving the diary is actually hers.






Roy Den Hollander




Business and Law Consultant

545 East 14th Street, Suite 10D

New York, NY  10009

Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

Mobile 917 687 0652




September 16, 2001


Gene Kazenko

US Immigration

INV Correspondence

26 Federal Plaza, Room 10-116

New York, NY 10278



Re: Shipilina, Alina A., INS A Number 047-202-363



Dear Mr. Kazenko:


As further evidence that the diary I provided you is in fact Ms. Shipilina’s authentic journal, I have enclosed Ms. Shipilina’s Answer in the current Annulment/Divorce proceedings in which she admits the diary provided to you is hers.  In paragrah 5(i) of the Answer, Ms. Shiplina states “….the Plaintiff (Mr. Hollander)…created an internet website entitled in which he posted the Defendant’s (Ms. Shipilina) personal diary and naked photographs of the Defendant.”  A comparison of the diary I provided you with that referred to in Ms. Shipilina’s Answer will show that they are one and the same.






Roy Den Hollander



Alina Alexandrovna Shipilina Married for the Purpose of Procuring Admission as an Immigrant


This document contains information evidencing that Alina Shipilina married Roy Den Hollander, a US citizen, for the purpose of procuring her admission to America as an immigrant.  The document contains three parts.  Part A consists of statements by Ms. Shipilina, Part B interviews with some of Ms. Shipilina’s associates and Part C conduct of Ms. Shipilina.  Ms. Shipilina married Roy Den Hollander in Krasnodar, Russia, on March 11, 2000.


Part A


The following are statements made by Ms. Shipilina in her personal journal before and during her marriage to Mr. Hollander and in correspondence to Mr. Hollander.  Dates refer to the date a particular statement was written by Ms. Shipilina.  The page cites are to a Certified English translation by attorney Dennis Whelan and to Ms. Shipilina’s hand written journal in Russian.




Part B


The following associates of Ms. Shipilina made statements to Mr. Hollander about Ms. Shipilina’s desire to leave Russia to make money:




Part C


Ms. Shipilina’s conduct during her marriage infers that she married for the purpose of procuring admission to the US as an immigrant.  Dates refer to when Ms. Shipilina made entries in her diary, and the page cites refer to the Certified English translation and the Russian handwritten journal:




Business and Law Consultant

545 East 14th Street

New York, NY  10009

Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

Mobile 917 687 0652

November 5, 2001


Brett C. Stanley

US Immigration and Naturalization Service

American Embassy

PSC 77 - INS

APO, AE 09721

Moscow, Russia


Re: Shipilina, Alina Alexandrovna, INS A Number 047-202-363, Social Security 063 90 4695 (Also uses the last name of Chipilina and the first name of Angelina.)


Dear Brett,


              I am resending these documents in case the ones I sent by Express mail did not reach you.  As soon as I have the judge’s ruling to  terminate my marriage in document form, I will fax it or Fed Ex it to you.


              I am enclosing a number of documents with accompanying exhibits that may be of assistance in the up coming INS hearing concerning Ms. Shipilina.



Let me know whether there is anything else I can provide.







Information for Tracking Alina Alexandrovna Shipilina (aka Chipilina)


Works as prostitute, stripper and lap dancer under the name “Angelina”.


Description:  Tall, thin and very pretty, usually wears black.

Color: white

Height in street shoes: 6 feet 2 inches

Hair: long, blonde or auburn, which is her natural color, unless wearing a black wig or a white wig, then hair neck length.

Eyes: light blue

Age: 25 years

Sex: female

Weight: 145 lbs

Shoe: 11

Bust: 36 inches

Waist: 25.5 inches

Hips: 37.5 inches


Date of birth: November 10, 1975


Social Security: 063 90 4695

INS A# 047 202 363


Possesses Two Russian International Passports

              1. 43No7489821, issued September 24, 1997, expired September 24, 2002

              2. Unknown

Russian Internal Passport, XXIII AG 701057, issued September 17, 1993,


United States Address until November 30, 2001, may or may not renew lease at that time, under name of Chipilina:

28-15 34 Street, Apt 4H

              Astoria, Queens 11103

Telephone: (H) 718 274 4902  Verizon

Mobile:            917 374 4713   AT&T

Landlord: S&P Assoc

c/o J. Previti

35-12 Bway

Long Island City, NY 11106

One year lease 12/1/00 to 11/30/01

Realty Broker: Michael 718 274 5656, Bway Astoria Realty


Russia Address: Ul. Rashpilevskaya 138, Apt 8

                             Krasnodar, Russia


Telephone: (H) 8612 55 67 71

Mobile             8612 63 66 95

Mobile                 8 902 694 3045


Also owns a house at

                            11/1 Skvoznaya

                            Yablonovskiyi, Krasnodar Krai



Work:    Flash Dancers

              1674 Broadway (52nd – 53rd Streets)

              Telephone: 212 315 5107

              Works there five nights a week from 8pm to 4pm, but the days could be any five.

              Management knows her only as Angelina


              Grace Del Marco Model Agency

Dee Simmons-Edelstein, Director

              350 5th Avenue, Suite 3110

              NY, NY 10118-1492

              212 629 6404

              Works under name “Angelina”


Freelance modeling for

              Judy Vann Associates, 626 683 8615, Pasadena, California

              Entertainment Partners, PO Box 7836, Burbank, California


United States Bank Accounts under the name Alina A. Chipilina

              Citibank at 262 First Avenue, New York City

                            Checking 67147197

                            Preferred Money Market 67147234

                            ATM Pin number 3925


Safe Deposit Box under the name Alina A. Chipilina

Citibank at 411 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Box Number 14299


Cyprus Financial Account

              Bank of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus

              Global Equity Fund, Account number 54660             


Associates who may know her whereabouts



  1. Tatyanna, a friend who dances at Flash Dancers during the night shift 8pm to 4am
  2. A Russian male, Boris Gitman, 210 172nd St., Miami, Florida, 33160 with telephone number 305 947 1358
  3. Nikita, a friend who dances at Flash Dancers during the day shift, 12n to 8pm
  4. Photographer Phillip Jarrell and stylist Caroline Bergonzi 212 280 1872, 917 545 6680, 294 Manhattan Ave, New York, NY 10026
  5. Dentist with the first name Alexander, 718 934 7593, 243 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
  6. Masseuse Zina Turovskaya, 718 368 0054, 2615 East 16th Street, Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn
  7. A black model acquaintance Alina Patten, 212 961 0979, husband Charlie Jones met Ms. Shipilina at Flash Dancers
  8. Restaurants, frequents “Tatyanna” on the board walk in Brighton Beach
  9. Clubs, frequents China Club, 212 398 3800, 268 West 47th Street, NY, NY, 10038
  10. Often attends the regular Monday Night party at Spa 88 located at 88 Fulton Street, NY, NY 10038, 212 766 8600.  Mainly Russians and some Americans who appear to have criminal associations attend the party.  The party starts at 11pm and goes to 4pm.



  1. Juginta Raszyukeichma, who strips under the name Azul, originally from Lithuania, but now living and working in Holland, 31 172 476 296, email, worked and traveled with Ms. Shipilina  in Mexico.  Azul is separated from her husband who lives at Naujoji 62-2, Alytus 4580, Lithuania, (H) 370 35 70590 (W) Tel/Fax: 370 35 35558.





  1. Former boyfriend, decent guy who has been helpful: Alexei  Dikov,  26 Gudmy, KB 46,  Krasnodar, 350063, (H) 8612 62 09 28, Mob 63 55 58, Mob 8 902 439 67 06.
  1. Boy friend in St. Petersburg, Valodya 812 430 9508, Ul. Dibunovskaya 37, Apt 521, St Petersburg 197 183.  He is a struggling small businessman who apparently sells custom jewelry.
  1. Friend and lover: Natasha, Ul. Rashpilevskaya 138, Krasnodar, Russia 350020.  [I am trying to find her apartment or telephone number.]
  2. Friend and advisor in Krasnodar: Lena 8612 56 80 77, works as a nurse and prostitute in Krasnodar.
  3. Friend in Krasnodar: Olga Ponomarenka 8612 57or59 99 86 was a friend of Ms. Shipilina and Lena.
  4. Friend in Krasnodar who worked at Vasiljeva modeling agency: Inessa telephone 8612 55 85 14.
  5. Pimp in Krasnodar: Reya who has a friend named Alexei and his telephone is 8612 56 16 50. [I will try to obtain Reya’s number]
  6. Friend in Krasnodar: Yulya Yurevna Kudinova, Mobile 8612 42 81 19, Mobile 8 902 464 2405, Email, Work 8612 53 73 22, VIP Group 180 Krasnaya Ul, 314, Krasnodar.
  7. Nude photographer in Krasnodar: Dmitri Morosov, 201 Turgeneva. Ul. Apt 92, Krasnodar 350078, (H) 8612 56 00 23.
  8. Friend from Krasnodar now living in Moscow who won Miss Charming and Miss Russian Radio titles in the 2000 Miss Krasnodar contest.  [I will try to find her location.]






Additional Indications of Ms. Shipilina Selling Sexual Favors


              Dates refer to Ms. Shipilina’s personal journal entries and page cites to Certified English translation and copy of her journal handwritten in Russian.




  1. In the fall of 1998 in Moscow, Ms. Shipilina made a sexually explicit video in which she masturbated for the camera in return for US dollars.  See enclosed CD with video promotional scenes.  Dr. Marc L. Paulsen shot the video, paid Ms. Shipilina for her time and for sex.  Leonid Perlin of Photos Studio introduced Dr. Paulsen to Ms. Shipilina.  Dr. Paulsen can be reached at Work: 310 530 9532,,,, 1944 West 237 Street, Torrance, Cal 90501.
  2. Ms. Shipilina’s masseuse in Krasnodar said in an April 2001 interview to Roy Hollander and his translator that “Everyone knows Alina is a prostitute.”  The masseuse is Andrei Sergeyvich Petrov, 190 Krasnaya Ul., Dinamo Stadium, 8612 59 74 79, 8 902 443 2840.


  1. April 3, 1999, “I am glad, when a customer finishes during a private. Some persons finish this way for the first time.” Page 9 English; p 21 Russian.
  2. May 29, 1999, “When I was with one young customer I have nearly fallen out of cabin (room) for privates.” Page 14 English; p 31 Russian.
  3. June 23, 1999, “On Friday, at 18:06 I called up Stephanos. I told him that I shall go with another customers to Ayanapa.” Page 16 English; p 35 Russian.
  4. June 23, 1999, “On Sunday I worked without much effort - [?] privates, 4 tables and 8 drinks. Three customers wanted to take me - that son of a bitch Stelios, a fat man and Davie. I preferred to leave with Davie. I came back by motorbike. It was marvelous!” Page 16 English; p 35 Russian.
  5. April 20, 2000, “On Friday we went to Leonid’s party….  I persuaded girls to go to Mexico…. I will try to cooperate with him—look for girls ready to work in Mexico.  Each girl will pay to me 100 dollars a month.  My God, bless me!!!” Page 43 English; pp 107-08 Russian.  Ms. Shipilina’s friend, Yulya Kudinova  (mobile 8612 42 81 19, Mobile 8 902 464 2405, Email, work 8612 53 73 22, VIP Group 180 Krasnaya Ul, 314, Krasnodar) told Mr. Hollander in a June 16, 2001, interview that Ms. Shipilina tried to sell a young girl overseas.



United States

  1. In early August 2000 Ms. Shipilina told her husband that she wanted to go out with some of her “clients” at Flash Dancers.  Ms. Shipilina admitted to her husband that she collected business cards from her clients.  Since she only wore tong panties, she would fold the cards and put them inside her. Exhibit 2, various business cards.  On the back of the card of a Nomura Manager, she wrote, “Romantic, tall, massage and kissing back.”  On the back of the card of Mr. Barrera, she wrote, “From Mexico, older man, likes Russian women”.  Mr. Hollander’s telephone logs showed Ms. Shipilina making repeated calls to one of her customers that she admitted pursuing.  Exhibit 3, telephone log.  A private investigator tried to track the individual down but could not and concluded: “It is our opinion this person is most certainly hiding something but it is unclear as to the reasons for doing so.  If there is a possibility anyone in your home could be involved with …unlawful activities, that would explain the secrecy involved here.” Exhibit 4, Investigator’s July 31, 2000 Report.
  2. In early September 2000, Ms. Shipilina engaged in an act of prostitution under New York State law in a private room at Flash Dancers.  Her September 9, 2000, journal entry, “Besides, for the first time I went to a single room – I danced to a bearded man from TV. On Monday we sat there for 2 hours, I danced, …. I allowed him to touch me. I received a pleasure.” Page 50 English; p 130 Russian.
  3. Finally, in Krasnodar in September 2000 Ms. Shipilina told her husband that she never engaged in prostitution because afterwards, she goes to church and asks forgiveness, which God gives her, so it is as if it never happened.  Then defendant told plaintiff, “If God can forgive me, why can’t you?”


Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                           Mobile 917 687 0652





November 26, 2001


Brett Stanley

American Embassy-MoscowAttn. INSBolshoi Devyatinski Pereulok #8Moscow, Russia 121099



Dear Brett,


I have enclosed four documents that evidence my divorce from Ms. Shipilina:



The Judge still has the perfunctory act of signing the Findings of Fact and the Judgment for recording with the clerk.  Due to the back up in the system this may take a few weeks.  As soon as it occurs, I will let you know.



Thanks again,






Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                    Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile 917 687 0652




December 11, 2001


Brett Stanley

American Embassy-MoscowAttn. INSBolshoi Devyatinski Pereulok #8Moscow, Russia 121099


Re: Alina (aka Angelina) Alexandrovna Shipilina (aka Chipilina)


Dear Brett,


Enclosed are some additional documents that may be of use to the US Attorney.


Exhibit 1 is the “Net Worth Statement” that Ms. Shipilina filed in our divorce proceeding.  The statement grossly understates her income and expenses.  Exhibit 2 provides an analysis of the misrepresentations and omissions made under oath by Ms. Shipilina in her Net worth Statement.


Ms. Shipilina began work at Flash Dancers’ Topless Club on July 17, 2000.  Exhibit 3 is a document from an Internet site set up by lap dancers that estimates the average take home pay per night for a dancer at Flash Dancers.  Exhibit 4 lists the dates for the vacations that Ms.Shipilina has taken since she began working at Flash Dancers.  Although Ms. Shipilina is a very aggressive worker who makes significantly more than the average dancer, Exhibits 3 and 4 will provide an understanding of the relatively large amounts of money on which she evades US taxes.


Exhibit 5 is the only Mexican immigration document I could find concerning Alina.  At the bottom of page one it mentions her and Alfredo Ibarra, one of her prostitution clients and the man to whom she prostituted herself in Italy just three months after our marriage and a week before her interview at the US Embassy for her immigration visa.  The document is date November 29, 1999, which was when Mexican Immigration put her on a plane out of the country.  All the other documents concerning her arrest and deportation from Mexico were literally torn out of the registers in Mexico.  I didn’t think she had such pull.  She said she was deported for working without a visa, but it could have been anything.


As I mentioned previously, Ms. Shipilina grew up in Grozny, Chechnya, from the mid 1970s until 1991.  Ms. Shipilina’s acquaintances in Krasnodar, Russia, have told me that she has been seen associating with Chechen organized crime figures in Krasnodar and Sochi.


My Moscow attorney, Xenia Menshova (095 722 9035) who works with Dennis Whelan should be providing you with additional documents.


Thanks much.





Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                    Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile 917 687 0652








Decmber 21, 2001


Brett Stanley

American Embassy—Moscow

PSC 77 (INS)

APO, AE 09721




Dear Brett,


Enclosed is a hard copy of the signed and certified divorce judgment.  If you need a copy with the raised seal, please let me know.


Thanks again.




Authentication of Diary


  1. Admissions in Alina’s answer and counterclaim.
  2. Handwritten letters sent to Leo for comparison.
  3. Fingerprints on the original pages of diary that I have to show those pages written by Alina, then compare with other pages.
  4. Sample of handwriting from Academy records.
  5. Alexei Dikov recognized her handwriting and knew she kept a diary.
  6. Andrei Petrov, masseuse, recognized her writing.
  7. People who recognized some of events written about:
    1. Alexei Dikov
    2. Vera Ivanasova
    3. Katya Gerokaris
    4. Azul Juginta Raszyukevichina
    5. Cyprus visa documents shows when worked at Zygos
    6. Leonid Perlin
    7. Anastasia Vasiljeva and Dima
    8. Vladimir in St. Petersburg.



Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                            Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                                       Mobile 917 687 0652






March 7, 2002






Enclosed is the affidavit I emailed you about from a private investigation firm in Mexico City on the strippers at the Men’s Club historically engaging in prostitution. 


If more specific information is needed from Mr. Molina, he is willing to provide it.





Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                        Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                                   Mobile 917 687 0652


April 11, 2002




Is there anything you can tell me about the status of the proceedings against my ex-wife Alina Shipilina?


The following is an update on the latest developments here.  I don’t think they’re particularly relevant to the INS proceedings, but I’m sure Alina’s attorney, Nicholas Mundy, will try to make some mileage in his efforts to cast me in a negative light.


1.  I’ve enclosed Mr. Mundy’s answer to my Disciplinary Complaint against him and my response to his answer.  Both refer to an allegation by Alina that she is pursuing that in June 2001 I allegedly violated a Temporary Order of Protection that was later dismissed in July 2001.  I assume Mr. Mundy had Alina resurrect the allegation this March of 2002 to try to discredit me before the Disciplinary Committee, deter me from testifying in any potential INS hearing or to cast doubt on my credibility as a witness.  The allegation will most likely end up in a trial.


2.  I received another threatening telephone call from what sounded like the same man who made the two previous calls of which I recorded the two messages that he left on my voicemail.  I was unable to record this third call because I answered the phone personally.  He was more explicit this time probably because he wasn’t leaving a voicemail.  The one sided conversation went pretty much as follows:


Mr. Den Hollander, this is John Pierre calling on behalf of Angelina (once again that’s the name Alina uses for stripping and other activities) .  I told you before to cease and desist with your legal actions.  I’m warning you do not testify before the INS or we will meet and you don’t want that.  You understand what I mean.  (In the background, I heard what sounded like Alina say ‘About my mother and the prosecutor.’)  And do not try to get the case in Russia reopened.  I’m watching you, I know everything about you, have a nice day.


He hung up before I got to say anything. 


The next day I took out a Temporary Order of Protection against Alina to put a stop to these calls.  The police, unfortunately closed their case on this matter because they didn’t want to expend the resources and the FBI has done nothing further that I am aware of.


That’s the latest in this soap opera.  You know, I never liked those TV shows.


Hope all is well with you.





Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                         Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                                    Mobile 917 687 0652




August 5, 2002






As follow up to my email, I have enclosed a certified computer printout of Alina Shipilina’s New York State Voter Registration in which she swears or affirms she is a US citizen.  Also enclosed is a copy of the Board of Election records on her and various applicable laws—highlighted.


Next Monday, I have a trial in which I am trying to obtain a permanent order of protection against Alina to put a stop to the threatening telephone calls I notified you about previously.  I am not optimistic since the lady judge has refused most by discovery requests and the FBI will not release the name of the man they think made the calls.  Justice is hard to find for a man in America these days.






Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                           Mobile 917 687 0652




September 7, 2002


US Immigration and Naturalization Service

American Eambassy

Moscow, Russia




Dear Sir or Madam:


Alina Alexandrovna Shipilina, INS A# 047 202 363, committed a deportable offense under 8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(3)(D) by falsely representing herself to be a citizen of the United States when she registered to vote in Queens County on February 22, 2001.


Ms. Shipilina is a Russian immigrant currently living in the United States as a conditional permanent resident.  See attached copy of Shipilina’s alien registration card.  Her current address is 28-15 34 St, 4H, Astoria, NY 11103, telephones 718 274 4902, 917 374 4713.


When she registered to vote, she swore or affirmed that she was a U.S. citizen by signing the New York State Voter Registration form.  See attached copy of N.Y. State Voter Registration and copy of Computer Voter Records.


By falsely claiming U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote, Ms. Shipilina also committed a crime in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1015(f) and New York State Election Law 5-210(6), which is a class E felony in New York.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my attorney, Xenia Menshova, at 979 4770 or 722 9035 or me at the above telephone numbers.







Roy Den Hollander




Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                    Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                               Mobile 917 687 0652



December 8, 2002


Karen Landsness

US Immigration and Naturalization Service

American Embassy

Bolshoi Devyatinski Per 8

Moscow, Russia  121099



Dear Ms. Landsness:


Attorney Daniel Retter suggested I provide you with the following information on a Russian alien living in the US against whom the INS initiated deportation proceedings, still ongoing, over a year ago. 


Alina Alexandrovna Shipilina, INS A# 047 202 363, committed a deportable offense under 8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(3)(D) by falsely representing herself to be a citizen of the United States when she registered to vote in Queens County on February 22, 2001.


Ms. Shipilina is a Russian immigrant currently living in the United States as a conditional permanent resident.  See attached copy of Shipilina’s alien registration card.  Her current address is 28-15 34 St, 4H, Astoria, NY 11103, telephones 718 274 4902, 917 374 4713.


When she registered to vote, she swore or affirmed that she was a U.S. citizen by signing the New York State Voter Registration form.  See attached copy of N.Y. State Voter Registration and copy of Computer Voter Records.


By falsely claiming U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote, Ms. Shipilina also committed a crime in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1015(f) and New York State Election Law 5-210(6), which is a class E felony in New York.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my attorney, Xenia Menshova, at 979 4770 or 722 9035 or me at the above telephone numbers or email address.






Roy Den Hollander



INS Misrepresentations


  1. Form 230 Part II
    1. Question 21: Occupation while living in Cyprus: Artist
    2. Question 33 (b): Alina entered US to engage in prostitution and other immoral activity

Alina engaged in prostitution within previous 10 years.

    1. Question 33 (f): Alina tried to get visa by lying.
    2. Question 34: Alina arrested and imprisoned in Mexico.




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Hollander/Shipilina Case



> Dear Mr. Marvin, In reference to Alina Shipilina claiming to be a UScitizen when she registered to vote, the New York CityBoard of Elections has referred Shipilina's violationof Federal law to the US Attorney for the EasternDistrict of NY and Shipilina's violation of New Yorklaw to the Queens District Attorney. I have attached the Board of Elections letters ofreferral. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Roy Den Hollander > Thanks for getting in touch with me.> > My attorney in Moscow, Xenia Menshova,(979 4770,> cell> 722 9035) has documents that show that Alina> Shipilina> registered to vote in New York City last year,> which,> in and of itself, is a deportable offense under 8> USC> 1227(a)(3)(D), a federal crime under 18 USC 1015(f)> and a felony in New York State under New York State> Election Law 5-210(6).> > If you can give me a number at which my attorney can> reach you, she can stop by the embassy to give you> the> documents.  That is the way I often provided Brett> Stanley with documents in the past.> > Brett said that deportation proceedings were started> against Ms. Shipilina.  Can you tell me the status> and> the proceedure?> > The voter registration fraud is the latest> information> I have on Ms. Shipilina's nefarious activities.> > If you have any questions, please contact Xenia or> myself.> > Thanks for your time.> > Roy> --- wrote:> >> > Mr. Hollander,> >> > I wanted to introduce myself, as I recently> received> > the file on your former> > wife.> >> > Please feel free to forward any additional> > information and/or communicate> > with> > me at any time.> >> > Regards,> >> > Scott Marvin> > INS Moscow>




Attorney at Law

545 East 14th Street                                                                                                                                                                                         Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201

New York, NY  10009                                                                                                                                                                                    Mobile 917 687 0652





                                                                                                                May 4, 2005



U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
American Embassy
PSC 77 - DHS
APO, AE 09721




Re: Alina A. Shipilina, INS A# 047 202 363


Dear Sir:

                 In the removal proceedings concerning Alina A. Shipilina, INS A# 047 202 363, I have obtained three apostile affidavits from people in Krasnodar swearing to Ms. Shipilina working as a prostitute before applying for an immigrant visa to the U.S. in 2000.                   The affidavits show Ms. Shipilina defrauded the Government by lying that she did not work as a prostitute within ten years prior to applying for conditional permanent residency.                 Are you interested in me sending you the affidavits?                                                                                                         Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                Roy Den Hollander