Civil RICO lawsuit against the Russian Mafia and Chechen Islamic Fundamentalists
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If you have any questions, please contact the plaintiff, Roy Den Hollander, Esq., (212) 995 5201,
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Dear Mr. O'Reilly, I don't believe the media or politicians have pickedup on the story that many illegal and legal aliensregister to vote and vote in elections across theAmerica. The law requires a person to be a UScitizen, and if they aren't but still register orvote, then in New York they've committed a class Efelony (max 4 years or $5,000, NY Election Law5-210(6)). I became aware of this problem while checking the NYCvoter registration records in order to confirmpetition signatures for a local candidate. On a hunch,I punched in my ex-wife's name--she's an immigrantfrom Chechnya--and up popped her registration form onwhich all voters must swear that they are US citizens,which she is not. I inferred that millions of aliens through out thecountry are probably voting illegally in ourelections. Since most states like NY have their voterregistration records computerized, a computercomparison with INS records could easily show whichaliens were voting. Naturally the ACLU would objectbecause most aliens vote for political correctionalistcandidates. On a different note, I was surprised last night (Aug6th) when you referred to something as not"politically correct". How can any politicalphilosophy be "correct"? That's like saying aparticular religion is the only "correct"religion. Thank you for your time. Roy Den HollanderNYC __________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better |
Andrew, The suggestion for a story (Russian prostitution) thatI sent you two years ago has unfolded into a RICOlawsuit against various Russian, Chechen and Americanorganized crime figures. The story grew out of myunfortunate marriage to a Russian prostitute when Iwas managing Kroll Associates' office in Moscow. The RICO defendants engage in white slavery andpornography and the crimes that keep it profitable,such as immigration fraud, bribery, drugs, moneylaundering, tax evasion, coercion, intimidation andperjury. I ran into this den of pimps, prostitutes,pornographers and pushers after further investigationrevealed that my ex-wife was associated with a gangthat duped American men into marrying its members sothat the women could obtain legal US residency andcitizenship to carry out lucrative gang activities inthe US. The duping of me included secretly puttingdrugs in my meals. I then filed the RICO suit, Roy Den Hollander v. FlashDancers, et al., 03 CV 2717 in the Southern DistrictFederal Court. I've been threatened four times so far by theseclowns, and I'm taking it seriously given there is aconnection to the Arbi and Movsar Baraev clan inChechnya. The threats are one reason I'm trying tointerest the media, since any story will provide moreprotection than a federal injunction, which I haverequested from the judge. If you have some interest, I can send along theFederal complaint and, of course, talk to anybody,anytime and tell all that I know so far--it's stillunfolding. If you're not interested, maybe you couldrefer me to someone who might be. Thanks for your time again. Hope all is well withyou. Roy Hollander |
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
July 10, 2003
Andrew Heyward
President CBS News
524 West 57 St.
New York, NY 10019
Roy Den Hollander v. Flash Dancers Topless Club, et al.
Southern District Court of New York, CV-03-2717 (MBM)
Dear Andrew,
This is a follow up to an email I sent you a few weeks ago concerning a RICO lawsuit I’ve filed against various Russian, Chechen and American organized crime figures. Among the defendants are those that my investigators tell me were connected with Arbi and Movsar Baraev. Arbi, now deceased, was the General of the Chechen Special Islamic Regiment and is believed to have beheaded in 1998 four western telecommunication workers in return for $20 million from Osama Bin Laden. Movsar, Arbi’s nephew and now also deceased, led the taking of hostages at the Moscow theater complex last year.
I’ve enclosed a copy of the complaint.
Thank you again for your time.
Best Roy Hollander
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
January 28 2004
Stephen Handelman
Associate Fellow
Harriman Institute
420 West 118 St., 12th Floor
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
Dear Mr. Handelman:
I’m a graduate of Columbia’s Business School who also spent a semester at SIPA before going for my MBA at the advanced age of 40 something.
My MBA landed me in Russia for a short consulting stint with Kroll Associates in 1999. Before starting with Kroll, I read your Comrade Criminal but still managed to stumble into a den of hoods, Chechens, pimps, prostitutes, pushers and pornographers that stretches from Southern Russia to NYC.
I thought, as a columnist and commentator, you might be interested in this story, which is now the subject of a civil RICO suit in the US Southern District Court in New York (03 Civ 2717). It’s not “politically correct” but definitely evolutionarily correct. I’ve attached a two-page summary.
Thank you for your time.
Roy Den Hollander
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
March 10, 2004
Tatianna Leonova
Chief Editor
Cyprus Advertiser
8, Evagora Pallikarides St
Limassol, Cyprus 3732
Dear M. Leonova:
The story we discussed a few years ago has evolved with new information into one that you may find more interesting. It is now in the United States Federal Court for the Southern District of New York.
I’ve enclosed a copy of the complaint in Russian and a press release as well. If you prefer Greek or English versions, I can send them along.
Thank you for your time although I don’t expect a Russian newspaper to dare to do anything with this story. Consider it a courtesy.
Roy Den Hollander
Civil RICO lawsuit against Cypriot, Russian and Chechen International Crime Organizations
If you have any questions, please contact the plaintiff, Roy Den Hollander, Esq., (212) 995 5201,
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
March 23, 2004
Mike Myers
Creators Syndicate
5777 W. Century Blvd., Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Dear Mr. Myers:
After reading your firm’s client Michelle Malkin’s Invasion, I thought she might be interested in the unfolding story that is summarized on the attached sheet.
Would you please forward the attachment to her.
Thank you for your time.
Roy Den Hollander
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
April 9, 2004
Lou Dobbs
1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
Dear Mr. Dobbs:
I thought you might be interested in the unfolding immigration story that is summarized on the attached sheet.
Thank you for your time.
Roy Den Hollander
Attorney at Law
545 East 14th Street Tel. & Fax: (212) 995-5201
New York, NY 10009 Mobile 917 687 0652
April 18, 2004
Joe Conason
National Correspondent
New York Observer
54 East 64 Street
New York, NY 10021
I thought you might have some interest in a story concerning the Russian mob. It’s more colorful than the Lambert story. I attached a synopsis.